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Zanaga, D., Van De Kerchove, R., De Keersmaecker, W., Souverijns, N., Brockmann, C., Quast, R., Wevers, J., Grosu, A., Paccini, A., Vergnaud, S., Cartus, O., Santoro, M., Fritz, S., Georgieva, I., Lesiv, M., Carter, S., Herold, M., Li, Linlin, Tsendbazar, N.E., Ramoino, F., Arino, O., 2021. ESA WorldCover 10 m 2020 v100. (doi:10.5281/zenodo.5571936)", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "© ESA WorldCover project 2020 / Contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2020) processed by ESA WorldCover consortium", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "Tree Cover,#006400,Shrubland,#ffbb22, Grassland,#ffff4c,Cropland,#f096ff,Built-up,#fa0000,Bare / sparse vegetation,#b4b4b4,Snow and Ice,#f0f0f0,Permanent water bodies,#0064c8,Herbaceous wetland,#0096a0,Mangroves,#00cf75,Moss and lichen,#fae6a0", "attribution": "ESA", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 426, "fields": {"div_id": "WORLDCOVER_2021_MAP", "name": "ESA World Cover 2021", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "GRADIENT", "layer_type": "ee", "layer_name": "world_cover_2021", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "world_cover_2021", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "greenBlueRedGradient", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Global", "sort_level": null, "description": "The European Space Agency (ESA) WorldCover 10 m 2021 product provides a global land cover map for 2021 at 10 m resolution based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. The WorldCover product comes with 11 land cover classes and has been generated in the framework of the ESA WorldCover project, part of the 5th Earth Observation Envelope Programme (EOEP-5) of the European Space Agency.\r\n

Zanaga, D., Van De Kerchove, R., De Keersmaecker, W., Souverijns, N., Brockmann, C., Quast, R., Wevers, J., Grosu, A., Paccini, A., Vergnaud, S., Cartus, O., Santoro, M., Fritz, S., Georgieva, I., Lesiv, M., Carter, S., Herold, M., Li, Linlin, Tsendbazar, N.E., Ramoino, F., Arino, O., 2021. ESA WorldCover 10 m 2020 v100. (doi:10.5281/zenodo.5571936)", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "Tree Cover,#006400,Shrubland,#ffbb22, Grassland,#ffff4c,Cropland,#f096ff,Built-up,#fa0000,Bare / sparse vegetation,#b4b4b4,Snow and Ice,#f0f0f0,Permanent water bodies,#0064c8,Herbaceous wetland,#0096a0,Mangroves,#00cf75,Moss and lichen,#fae6a0", "attribution": "ESA", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 417, "fields": {"div_id": "eez_mapbox_buffered", "name": "Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) V11", "mouse_over": "UNION", "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Exclusive Economic Zones V11", "layer_url": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/world_eez_v11_buffered.geojson", "layer_file": "NA", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "0.1", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "green", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Global", "sort_level": null, "description": "Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: Exclusive Economic Zones (200NM), version 11
\r\nThis dataset builds on previous versions of the world's EEZ. In version 9, the 200 nautical miles outer limit was completely recalculated using a higher resolution coastline as a normal baseline (ESRI Countries 2014) and straight baselines, where available.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "Flanders Marine Institute (2019). Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase: Maritime Boundaries and Exclusive Economic Zones (200NM), version 11. Available online at https://www.marineregions.org/. https://doi.org/10.14284/386", "default_step": "1", "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": null, "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 350, "fields": {"div_id": "GEBCO", "name": "GEBCO", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "wms", "layer_name": "GEBCO", "layer_url": "https://wms.gebco.net/2023/mapserv?LAYERS=gebco_2023", "layer_file": "GEBCO", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "red", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Global", "sort_level": null, "description": "GEBCO is an acronym for the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans. We are an international group of geoscientists and hydrographers who work on the development of a range of bathymetric data sets and data products. GEBCO operates under the joint auspices of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) (of UNESCO) and the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO).\r\n

\r\nThis is the 2023 version of GEBCO’s gridded bathymetric data set, a global terrain model for ocean and land, providing elevation data, in meters, on a 15 arc-second interval grid.\r\n

\r\nThis release includes a version of the grid with under-ice topography/bathymetry information for Greenland and Antarctica.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "GEBCO", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 148, "fields": {"div_id": "gppd", "name": "Global Power Plant Database (June 2021)", "mouse_over": "primary_fuel", "img_source": "CIRCLE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Global Power Plant Database (June 2021)", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/global_power_plant_database.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "green", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Global", "sort_level": null, "description": "The Global Power Plant Database is a comprehensive, open source database of power plants around the world. It centralizes power plant data to make it easier to navigate, compare and draw insights for one’s own analysis. The database covers approximately 35,000 power plants from 167 countries and includes thermal plants (e.g. coal, gas, oil, nuclear, biomass, waste, geothermal) and renewables (e.g. hydro, wind, solar).\r\n

\r\nGlobal Energy Observatory, Google, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Enipedia, World Resources Institute. 2021. Global Power Plant Database. Published on Resource Watch and Google Earth Engine; http://resourcewatch.org/ https://earthengine.google.com/", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "Global Energy Observatory, Google, KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Enipedia, World Resources Institute. 2018. Global Power Plant Database.", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "WRI", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 256, "fields": {"div_id": "io-s2-10m", "name": "Impact Observatory LULC 10m 2017-2023", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "GRADIENT", "layer_type": "wms", "layer_name": "Impact Observatory LULC 10m 2017-2023", "layer_url": "https://ic.imagery1.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/Sentinel2_10m_LandCover/ImageServer/exportImage?&bboxSR=3857&size=&imageSR=3857&format=jpgpng&pixelType=U16&noData=&noDataInterpretation=esriNoDataMatchAny&interpolation=+RSP_BilinearInterpolation&compression=&compressionQuality=&bandIds=&mosaicRule=&renderingRule=&f=image&adjustAspectRatio=true&validateExtent=false&lercVersion=1&compressionTolerance=&f=image&time=${time},${time}", "layer_file": "NA", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "greenBlueRedGradient", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Global", "sort_level": null, "description": "Updated 04/10/2024.
This layer displays a global map of land use/land cover (LULC) derived from ESA Sentinel-2 imagery at 10m resolution. Each year is generated from Impact Observatory’s deep learning AI land classification model used a massive training dataset of billions of human-labeled image pixels developed by the National Geographic Society. The global maps were produced by applying this model to the Sentinel-2 scene collection on Microsoft’s Planetary Computer, processing over 400,000 Earth observations per year.\r\n

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This tailings dam dataset has been developed based on responses from the “Investor Mining and Tailings Safety Initiative” launched by The Church of England Pensions Board and The Council on Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds.\r\n


\r\nThis is a subset of the dataset available at https://tailing.grida.no/.\r\n


\r\nThe Global Tailings Portal, launched in January 2020, is a free, searchable database with detailed information on more than 1,800 mine tailings dams around the world. It enables users to sort data about tailings dams by location, company, dam type, height, volume, and risk, among other factors. The data was submitted by more than 100 of the world’s largest mining companies, in response to requests from institutional investors. Previously, very little information about mine tailings dams was publicly available. The portal is designed to be used by governments, scientists, the finance community, the mining industry, media, and civil society.\r\n

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For Alaska, 10-meter resolution SPOT imagery is provided for viewing.\r\n\r\nSee: https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/581d0520e4b08da350d523fc", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "USGS The National Map: Orthoimagery. Data refreshed December, 2021.", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "USGS", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 324, "fields": {"div_id": "naip", "name": "USGS Imagery + Topo", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "tile", "layer_name": "naip", "layer_url": "https://basemap.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/rest/services/USGSImageryTopo/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}", "layer_file": "zyx", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "#BB8FCE", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Global", "sort_level": null, "description": "USGS Imagery Only is a base map service of orthoimagery in The National Map visible to the 1:9,028 zoom scale. Orthoimagery data are typically high resolution aerial images that combine the visual attributes of an aerial photograph with the spatial accuracy and reliability of a planimetric map. USGS digital orthoimage resolution may vary from 6 inches to 1 meter. In the former resolution, every pixel in an orthoimage covers a six inch square of the earth's surface, while in the latter resolution, one meter square is represented by each pixel. Blue Marble: Next Generation and Landsat imagery data sources are displayed at small to medium scales, however, the majority of the imagery service source is from the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) for the conterminous United States. The data is 1 meter pixel resolution collected with \"leaf-on\" conditions. Collection of NAIP imagery is administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Service Agency (FSA). In areas where NAIP data is not available, other imagery may be acquired through partnerships by the USGS. For Alaska, 10-meter resolution SPOT imagery is provided for viewing.\r\n\r\nSee: https://www.sciencebase.gov/catalog/item/544172b0e4b0b0a643c73c61", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "USGS The National Map: Orthoimagery. Data refreshed December, 2021.", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "USGS", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 131, "fields": {"div_id": "wdpa", "name": "World Database of Protected Areas", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "ee", "layer_name": "World Database of Protected Areas", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "EESINGLE", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "green", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Global", "sort_level": null, "description": "UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2020), Protected Planet: The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA), December, 2020, Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN Available at: www.protectedplanet.net/en.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": "Double-click on a protected area to see details", "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "#004da8\r\n#3cab05\r\n2ed033\r\n#3775b7", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "0.00 - 258333 km2,#2ed033,258333 - 516666k m2,#5aff05,516666 - 775000 km2,#67b9ff,775000 - 1033333 km2,#5844ff,1033333 - 1291666 km2,#0a7618,1291666 - 1550000 km2,#2c05ff", "attribution": "Protected Planet", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 218, "fields": {"div_id": "gfw-glad", "name": "GFW's GLAD Alerts (Sentinel-2 based)", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "tile", "layer_name": "gfw-glad", "layer_url": "https://tiles.globalforestwatch.org/umd_glad_sentinel2_alerts/latest/dynamic/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?start_date=${startdate}&end_date=${enddate}&confirmed_only=${confirmed}", "layer_file": "zyx", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "#BB8FCE", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Land Cover/Change", "sort_level": null, "description": "Loss of primary forest is mapped in near-real time at 10m resolution using Sentinel-2 multispectral data. Cloud, shadow, water are detected in each new Sentinel-2 image and a forest loss algorithm is applied to all remaining clear land observations.\r\n

For zoom levels 0-9, we generate static tiles for speed, since that’s the scale most people view them at in Global Forest Watch. For zoom levels 9+, we dynamically generate the tiles when you request them, so these may load a little slower. However, after generating them the first time, we cache them for a couple hours, so they should load faster on subsequent uses.\r\n

\r\nSource: Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": "May take up to 1 minute to load or refresh", "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Global Forest Watch", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"dates\",\"type\":\"dates\",\"numdays\":30,\"replace\":[\"startdate\",\"enddate\"],\"operands\":[\">=\",\"<=\"],\"title\":\"Date Range\",\"default\":[\"lastmonth\",\"today\"]}, {\"prompt\":\"confirmed\",\"type\":\"checkbox\",\"replace\":\"confirmed\",\"title\":\"Confirmed Only\",\"default\":false}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": true, "run_on_init": false, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 217, "fields": {"div_id": "gfw-radd", "name": "GFW's RADD Alerts", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "tile", "layer_name": "forestLoss", "layer_url": "https://tiles.globalforestwatch.org/wur_radd_alerts/latest/dynamic/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?start_date=${startdate}&end_date=${enddate}&confirmed_only=${confirmed}", "layer_file": "xyz", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "#BB8FCE", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Land Cover/Change", "sort_level": null, "description": "

\r\nRADD (RAdar for Detecting Deforestation) is a deforestation alert product that uses data from the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-1 satellites to detect forest disturbances in near real-time and to confirm alerts within weeks. The RADD (RAdar for Detecting Deforestation) alerts use a detection methodology produced by Wageningen University and Research (WUR), Laboratory of Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing. These alerts are particularly advantageous in monitoring tropical forests, as Sentinel-1’s cloud-penetrating radar and frequent revisit times (6-12 days) allow for more consistent monitoring than alert products based on optical satellite images. Alerts are available for the primary humid tropical forest areas of sub-Saharan Africa and insular Southeast Asia at a 10m spatial resolution, with coverage from January 2019 to the present for Africa and January 2020 to the present for Southeast Asia.\r\n


Source: Reiche, J., Mullissa, A., Slagter, B., Gou, Y., Tsendbazar, N.E., Braun, C., Vollrath, A., Weisse, M.J., Stolle, F., Pickens, A., Donchyts, G., Clinton, N., Gorelick, N., Herold, M. 2021. Forest disturbance alerts for the Congo Basin using Sentinel-1. Environmental Research Letters. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/abd0a8\r\n

", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": "May take up to 1 minute to load or refresh", "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "This was replace by 219, which uses the alerts server as a map proxy to get around the CORS issue in html2canvas.", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Global Forest Watch", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"dates\",\"type\":\"dates\",\"numdays\":30,\"replace\":[\"startdate\",\"enddate\"],\"operands\":[\">=\",\"<=\"],\"title\":\"Date Range\",\"default\":[\"lastmonth\",\"today\"]}, {\"prompt\":\"confirmed\",\"type\":\"checkbox\",\"replace\":\"confirmed\",\"title\":\"Confirmed Only\",\"default\":false}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": true, "run_on_init": false, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 158, "fields": {"div_id": "forestLoss2022", "name": "Tree Cover Loss (2000-2023)", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "GRADIENT", "layer_type": "ee", "layer_name": "Tree Cover Loss", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "FORESTLOSS2021", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "redYellowGradient", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Land Cover/Change", "sort_level": null, "description": "Last updated: 04/04/2024 added 2023
Results from time-series analysis of Landsat images in characterizing global forest extent and change. For additional information about these results, please see the associated journal article (Hansen et al., Science 2013) at https://science.sciencemag.org/content/342/6160/850.\r\n

\r\nHansen, M. C., P. V. Potapov, R. Moore, M. Hancher, S. A. Turubanova, A. Tyukavina, D. Thau, S. V. Stehman, S. J. Goetz, T. R. Loveland, A. Kommareddy, A. Egorov, L. Chini, C. O. Justice, and J. R. G. Townshend. 2013. \"High-Resolution Global Maps of 21st-Century Forest Cover Change.\" Science 342 (15 November): 850-53. 10.1126/science.1244693 Data available on-line at: https://glad.earthengine.app/view/global-forest-change.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "/images/ForestLoss2020Legend2.png", "attribution": null, "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"years\",\"type\":\"years\",\"begin\":2000,\"end\":2023,\"default\":[2000,2023],\"step\":1,\"replace\":\"year\"}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 216, "fields": {"div_id": "lcms_landchange", "name": "USFS LCMS Land Change (1985 - 2022)", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "GRADIENT", "layer_type": "ee", "layer_name": "USFS LCMS Land Change (1985 - 2021)", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "LCMS_CHANGE", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "redYellowGradient", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Land Cover/Change", "sort_level": null, "description": "This product is part of the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) data suite. It shows LCMS-modeled land cover classes for each year.\r\n\r\nLCMS is a remote sensing-based system for mapping and monitoring landscape change across the United States. Its objective is to develop a consistent approach using the latest technology and advancements in change detection to produce a \"best available\" map of landscape change.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "USDA Forest Service. 2022. USFS Landscape Change Monitoring System version 2022.8. Salt Lake City, Utah.", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "Stable,#3d4551, Slow Loss,#f39268, Fast Loss,#d54309, Gain,#00a398, Non-Processing Area Mask,#1B1716", "attribution": "USFS", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"year\",\"title\":\"Year\",\"begin\":1985,\"end\":2022,\"step\":1,\"type\":\"slider\",\"default\":2022,\"replace\":\"year\"}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 185, "fields": {"div_id": "lcms_landcover", "name": "USFS LCMS Land Cover (1985 - 2022)", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "GRADIENT", "layer_type": "ee", "layer_name": "USFS LCMS Land Cover (1985 - 2022)", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "LCMS_LANDCOVER", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "redYellowGradient", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Land Cover/Change", "sort_level": null, "description": "This product is part of the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) data suite. It shows LCMS-modeled land cover classes for each year.\r\n\r\nLCMS is a remote sensing-based system for mapping and monitoring landscape change across the United States. Its objective is to develop a consistent approach using the latest technology and advancements in change detection to produce a \"best available\" map of landscape change.\r\n
\r\nUSDA Forest Service. 2022. USFS Landscape Change Monitoring System version 2022.8. Salt Lake City, Utah.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "Trees,\"#005e00\", Tall Shrubs & Trees Mix (SEAK Only),#008000, Shrubs & Trees Mix,#00cc00, Grass/Forb/Herb & Trees Mix,#b3ff1a, Barren & Trees Mix,#99ff99, Tall Shrubs (SEAK Only),#b30088, Shrubs,#e68a00, Grass/Forb/Herb & Shrubs Mix,#ffad33, Grass/Forb/Herb,#ffff00, Barren & Grass/Forb/Herb Mix,#AA7700, Barren or Imperviou,#d3bf9b, Snow or Ice,#ffffff, Water,#4780f3, Non-Processing Area Mask,#1B1716", "attribution": "USFS", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"year\",\"title\":\"Year\",\"begin\":1985,\"end\":2022,\"step\":1,\"type\":\"slider\",\"default\":2022,\"replace\":\"year\"}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 215, "fields": {"div_id": "lcms_landuse", "name": "USFS LCMS Land Use (1985 - 2022)", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "GRADIENT", "layer_type": "ee", "layer_name": "USFS LCMS Land Cover (1985 - 2022)", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "LCMS_LANDUSE", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "redYellowGradient", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Land Cover/Change", "sort_level": null, "description": "This product is part of the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS) data suite. It shows LCMS-modeled land cover classes for each year.\r\n\r\nLCMS is a remote sensing-based system for mapping and monitoring landscape change across the United States. Its objective is to develop a consistent approach using the latest technology and advancements in change detection to produce a \"best available\" map of landscape change.\r\n
\r\nUSDA Forest Service. 2022. USFS Landscape Change Monitoring System version 2022.8. Salt Lake City, Utah.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "Agriculture,#efff6b, Developed,#ff2ff8, Forest,#1b9d0c, Non-Forest Wetland,#97ffff, Other,#a1a1a1, Rangeland or Pasture,#c2b34a, Non-Processing Area Mask,#1B1716", "attribution": "USFS", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"year\",\"title\":\"Year\",\"begin\":1985,\"end\":2022,\"step\":1,\"type\":\"slider\",\"default\":2022,\"replace\":\"year\"}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 123, "fields": {"div_id": "nlcd-", "name": "US National Land Cover Database", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "GRADIENT", "layer_type": "wms", "layer_name": "U.S. National Land Cover Database", "layer_url": "https://www.mrlc.gov/geoserver/mrlc_display/ows?SERVICE=WMS&WIDTH=512&HEIGHT=512&TRANSPARENT=true", "layer_file": "NLCD_${year}_Land_Cover_L48", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "greenBlueRedGradient", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Land Cover/Change", "sort_level": null, "description": "The Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) consortium is a group of federal agencies who coordinate and generate consistent and relevant land cover information at the national scale for a wide variety of environmental, land management, and modeling applications. The creation of this consortium has resulted in the mapping of the lower 48 United States, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico into a comprehensive land cover product termed, the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), from decadal Landsat satellite imagery and other supplementary datasets.\r\n

\r\nAvailable 2001, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013, 2016, 2019, 2021. The National Land Cover Database (NLCD) provides nationwide data on land cover and land cover change at a 30m resolution with a 16-class legend based on a modified Anderson Level II classification system. NLCD represents the latest evolution of NLCD land cover products focused on providing innovative land cover and land cover change data for the Nation.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "{\"prompts\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"prompt\":\"year\",\"title\":\"Year\",\"begin\":2001,\"end\":2019,\"marks\":\"{'2001':'2001','2004':'2004','2006':'2006','2008':'2008','2011':'2011','2013':'2013','2016':'2016','2019':'2019','2021':'2021'}\",\"fields\":{\"type\":\"list\",\"default\":2021,\"replace\":\"year\"}}]}\r\n\r\nmrlc_display%3ANLCD_2016_Land_Cover_L48\r\n\r\nNLCD_2019_Land_Cover_L48/\r\nNLCD_${year}_Land_Cover_L48\r\n\r\n{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"year\",\"title\":\"Year\",\"begin\":2001,\"end\":2019,\"step\":1,\"fields\":{\"type\":\"slider\",\"default\":2020,\"replace\":\"year\"}}]}\r\n\r\nmarks={{\r\n 1250: '1,25T.',\r\n 25000: '25T.',\r\n 50000: '50T.',\r\n 100000: '100T.',\r\n 150000: '150T.',\r\n 250000: '250T.',\r\n }}", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "/images/NLCD_2016_CONUS_Land_Cover.png", "attribution": "MRLC", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"type\":\"list\",\"prompt\":\"year\",\"title\":\"Year\",\"begin\":2001,\"end\":2021,\"marks\":\"{'2001':'01','2004':'04','2006':'06','2008':'08','2011':'11','2013':'13','2016':'16','2019':'19','2021':'21'}\",\"type\":\"list\",\"default\":2021,\"replace\":\"year\"}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 250, "fields": {"div_id": "brazil-offshore-platforms", "name": "Brazil Active Offshore Oil Platforms", "mouse_over": "Nome", "img_source": "CIRCLE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Brazil Active Offshore Oil Platforms", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/dados-abertos-plataformas-operacao.geojson", "layer_marker": "/images/mapLayerIcons/icons8-filled-circle-16.png", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "red", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (Global)", "sort_level": null, "description": "List of offshore storage platforms in operation in Brazil. From https://www.gov.br/anp/pt-br/centrais-de-conteudo/dados-abertos/lista-de-plataformas-em-operacao. Downloaded 4/7/2022.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "Old: https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/dados-abertos-ueps-operacao.GeoJSON", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Brazil Gov/", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 364, "fields": {"div_id": "MODU", "name": "Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODU)", "mouse_over": "name", "img_source": "LINE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "MODU", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/MODU.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "0.9", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "red", "line_color": "red", "category": "Oil & Gas (Global)", "sort_level": null, "description": "Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, or MODU, are facilities designed or modified to engage in drilling and exploration activities. The term MODU includes drilling vessels, semisubmersibles, submersibles, jack-ups, and similar facilities that can be moved without substantial effort. These facilities may or may not have self-propulsion equipment on board and may require dynamic positioning equipment or mooring systems to maintain their position.\r\n

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An Open Global Oil and Gas Infrastructure Inventory and Geodatabase. This work was funded under the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Oil and Gas Methane Science Studies. The studies are managed by United Nations Environment in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Scientist, Steven Hamburg of the Environmental Defense Fund. Funding was provided by the Environmental Defense Fund, OGCI Companies (Shell, BP, ENI, Petrobras, Repsol, Total, Equinor, CNPC, Saudi Aramco, Exxon, Oxy, Chevron, Pemex) and CCAC.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": "", "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Rose, K.; Bauer, J.; Baker, V.; Bean, A.; DiGiulio, J.; Jones, K.; Justman, D.; Miller, R. M.; Romeo, L.; Sabbatino, M.; Tong, A. 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Development of an Open Global Oil and Gas Infrastructure Inventory and Geodatabase; NETL-TRS-6-2018; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Albany, OR, 2018; p 594; DOI: 10.18141/1427573.", "file_extension": null, "prompts": null, "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 171, "fields": {"div_id": "netl-underground-storage", "name": "NETL Oil & Underground Storage", "mouse_over": "Facility_N", "img_source": "CIRCLE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "netl-underground-storage", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/NETL_underground_storage.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "0.5", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "lime", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (Global)", "sort_level": null, "description": "From the National Entergy Technology Lab (https://edx.netl.doe.gov/dataset/global-oil-gas-features-database). An Open Global Oil and Gas Infrastructure Inventory and Geodatabase. This work was funded under the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Oil and Gas Methane Science Studies. The studies are managed by United Nations Environment in collaboration with the Office of the Chief Scientist, Steven Hamburg of the Environmental Defense Fund. Funding was provided by the Environmental Defense Fund, OGCI Companies (Shell, BP, ENI, Petrobras, Repsol, Total, Equinor, CNPC, Saudi Aramco, Exxon, Oxy, Chevron, Pemex) and CCAC.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": "", "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Rose, K.; Bauer, J.; Baker, V.; Bean, A.; DiGiulio, J.; Jones, K.; Justman, D.; Miller, R. M.; Romeo, L.; Sabbatino, M.; Tong, A. Development of an Open Global Oil and Gas Infrastructure Inventory and Geodatabase; NETL-TRS-6-2018; NETL Technical Report Series; U.S. Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory: Albany, OR, 2018; p 594; DOI: 10.18141/1427573.", "file_extension": null, "prompts": null, "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 419, "fields": {"div_id": "gfw_infrastructure_mb", "name": "Offshore Infrastructure (Global Fishing Watch)", "mouse_over": "label", "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "pbf", "layer_name": "gfw_infrastructure_mb", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "NA", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "yellow", "line_color": "orange", "category": "Oil & Gas (Global)", "sort_level": null, "description": "Offshore infrastructure between 2017-2021. Copyright 2024, Global Fishing Watch, Inc. Accessed on 2024-01-05. https://globalfishingwatch.org/datasets-and-code/.\r\n

\r\nPaolo, Fernando; Kroodsma, David; Davis, Pete; Hochberg, Tim (2024). Satellite mapping reveals extensive industrial activity at sea - analysis data. figshare. Journal contribution. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.24309475.v1

\r\nGlobal Fishing Watch has made every attempt to ensure the completeness, accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this Site. However, due to the nature and inherent limitations in source materials for information provided, Global Fishing Watch qualifies all designations of vessel fishing activity, including synonyms of the term “fishing activity,” such as “fishing” or “fishing effort,” as “apparent,” rather than certain. And accordingly, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": "gfw_infrastructure_wo_lat_lng-81dzyv", "mb_url": "dancogswell.8p4f2j5b", "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Copyright 2024, Global Fishing Watch, Inc. 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Last downloaded October 3, 2021.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "BOEM.gov", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 210, "fields": {"div_id": "pacific_platforms", "name": "Pacific Platforms (BOEM )", "mouse_over": "PLATFORM_N", "img_source": "CIRCLE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Pacific Platforms (BOEM 2011)", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/pacific_platforms.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "yellow", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (Global)", "sort_level": null, "description": "From BOEM.gov. 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Last downloaded October 3, 2021.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "BOEM.gov", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 211, "fields": {"div_id": "pacific_wells", "name": "Pacific Wells (BOEM )", "mouse_over": "COMPANY_NA", "img_source": "CIRCLE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Pacific Wells (BOEM 2012)", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/pacific_wells.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "red", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (Global)", "sort_level": null, "description": "From BOEM.gov. 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See: www.fractracker.org/. The dataset was downloaded from https://app.box.com/s/h2dnw9flxrx1by9fie03uk5s87nd28nw", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "Calls ST api: getpostgismvt\r\nstate,name,operator,status", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "U.S. Oil & Gas Wells. March 2023. 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Last downloaded 3/4/2024.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "2024-08-21 went from multiselect to singleselect", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "BOEM.gov", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"status\",\"title\":\"Pipeline Status\",\"type\":\"singleselect\",\"default\":{\"value\":\"ACT\",\"label\":\"Active\"},\"multiple\":true,\"options\":[{\"value\":\"A/C\",\"label\":\"Abandoned and combined\"},{\"value\":\"ABN\",\"label\":\"Abandoned\"},{\"value\":\"ACT\",\"label\":\"Active\"},{\"value\":\"COMB\",\"label\":\"Combined\"},{\"value\":\"CNCL\",\"label\":\"Canceled\"},{\"value\":\"OUT\",\"label\":\"Out of service\"},{\"value\":\"PABN\",\"label\":\"Propose Abandonment\"},{\"value\":\"PREM\",\"label\":\"Propose Removal\"},{\"value\":\"PROP\",\"label\":\"Proposed\"},{\"value\":\"REM\",\"label\":\"Removed\"} ],\"replace\":\"STATUS_COD\" }]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": true, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 13, "fields": {"div_id": "gom_platforms", "name": "Gulf of Mexico Platforms (2024)", "mouse_over": "COMPLEX_ID", "img_source": "CIRCLE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Gulf of Mexico Platforms", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/boem_platforms_2024.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "yellow", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (US)", "sort_level": null, "description": "From BOEM.gov. Identifies the location of platforms in GOM, included those that have been closed. Last downloaded 03/04/2024.", "filter": "feature.getProperty(\"INSTALL_DA\") !== null && feature.getProperty(\"REMOVAL_DA\") === null", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "BOEM.gov", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 7, "fields": {"div_id": "crudeoil_pipelines", "name": "U.S. Crude oil pipelines", "mouse_over": "Pipename", "img_source": "LINE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "crudeoil_pipelines", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/Crude_Oil_Pipelines.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 2, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "navy", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (US)", "sort_level": null, "description": "Crude oil pipelines (US). Downloaded from the US Energy Atlas (https://atlas.eia.gov/). Last update Sep 18, 2021.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/Crude_Oil_Pipelines.geojson", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "The US Energy Atlas (https://atlas.eia.gov/)", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": true, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 8, "fields": {"div_id": "naturalgas_pipelines", "name": "U.S. Natural Gas Pipelines", "mouse_over": "Operator", "img_source": "LINE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Natural Gas Pipelines", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/Natural_Gas_Interstate_and_Intrastate_Pipelines.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 2, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "green", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (US)", "sort_level": null, "description": "The major natural gas transmission pipelines in the U.S. including interstate, intrastate, and gathering pipelines.These data were compiled by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Last updated October 21, 2020. Downloaded June 19, 2023.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "U.S. Energy Information Administration", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 303, "fields": {"div_id": "pipeline_routes", "name": "U.S.Oil & Gas Watch Pipeline Rtes (10/25/2023)", "mouse_over": "name", "img_source": "LINE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "pipeline_routes", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/pipeline_routes_2024-03-06.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 2, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "red", "line_color": "red", "category": "Oil & Gas (US)", "sort_level": null, "description": "These pipeline routes -- updated 10/25/2023 -- come from Oil & Gas Watch. Routes are an ongoing collaborative effort between Fractracker Alliance, Healthy Gulf, and the Environmental Integrity Project. These routes supplement the information and records on the Oil and Gas Watch database and help visualize the connectivity between various oil and gas infrastructure projects. Oil and Gas Watch is focused on highlighting new and proposed pipelines and expansion projects, and does not feature all existing pipelines.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "Old: https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/pipeline_routes_2023_06_23.geojson", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Oil & Gas Watch", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"status\",\"title\":\"Status\",\"fields\":{\"type\":\"select\",\"multiple\":true,\"options\":[{\"value\":\"A/C\",\"label\":\"Abandoned and combined\"},{\"value\":\"ABN\",\"label\":\"Abandoned\"},{\"value\":\"ACT\",\"label\":\"Active\"}],\"replace\":\"STATUS_COD\",\"default\":{\"label\": \"Active\", \"value\": \"ACT\"} }}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": true, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 323, "fields": {"div_id": "orphaned_wells", "name": "US Orphaned Wells", "mouse_over": "Well_name", "img_source": "CIRCLE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "US Orphaned Wells", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/geojson/us_orphaned_wells.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "yellow", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (US)", "sort_level": null, "description": "

\r\nPublication Date: 2022-08-22
\r\nStart Date: 2019-07-01
\r\nEnd Date: 2022-06-02\r\n


\r\nThe United States Documented Unplugged Orphaned Oil and Gas Well Dataset contains 117,672 wells in 27 states. The definition of an orphaned oil or gas well varies across data sources; the dataset includes oil or gas wells where the state indicates that the well is an unplugged orphan, or the following criteria are met: 1) no production for an average of 12 months (6 to 24 months depending on the state), 2) the well is unplugged, 3) there is no responsible party to manage the well for future re-use or for plugging and abandonment, and 4) the location of the well is documented. The dataset includes location coordinates, American Petroleum Institute (API) number, or other identification number, well type, well status, and additional information for each unplugged orphaned well. All data were collected by direct requests to the respective state agency overseeing oil and gas wells or data downloads from their online databases. Location format conversion was performed on wells without coordinate locations using tools provided by the Bureau of Land Management and some state agencies. No other data manipulations were performed to the source data aside from reformatting or the addition of explanatory notes.\r\n

", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "USGS", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 9, "fields": {"div_id": "petroleum_products_pipelines", "name": "U.S. Petroleum Products Pipelines", "mouse_over": "Pipename", "img_source": "LINE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Petroleum Products Pipelines", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/petroleum_products_pipelines.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 2, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "orange", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (US)", "sort_level": null, "description": "This feature layer, utilizing data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), displays major petroleum pipelines in the United States. Per Pipeline 101, \"Refined product pipelines carry refined petroleum products like gasoline, jet fuel, home heating oil and diesel fuel. These pipelines vary in size from relatively small (12 inches in diameter) to much larger (42 inches in diameter). There are approximately 62,000 miles of refined product pipelines nationwide.\r\n

\r\nUpdated 03/06/2024.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Energy Information Administration (EIA)", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 10, "fields": {"div_id": "sedimentary_basins", "name": "U.S. Sedimentary Basins", "mouse_over": "NAME", "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Sedimentary Basins US", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/Sedimentary_Basins.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "0.3", "line_width": 2, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "brown", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (US)", "sort_level": null, "description": "Sedimentary basins associated with tight oil and shale gas plays in the United States. Last Updated: September 15, 2020. Downloaded: June 19, 2023", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "U.S. Energy Information Administration | EIA.gov", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 11, "fields": {"div_id": "shale_plays", "name": "U.S. Tight Oil and Shale Gas Plays", "mouse_over": "Shale_play", "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "Tight Oil and Shale Gas Plays", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/Tight_Oil_and_Shale_Gas_Plays.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "0.3", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "yellow", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "Oil & Gas (US)", "sort_level": null, "description": "Tight oil and shale gas plays in the Lower 48 States. Last Updated: February 1, 2022. Downloaded: June 19, 2023.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "U.S. Energy Information Administration | EIA.gov", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 6, "fields": {"div_id": "congressionaldistricts", "name": "Congressional Districts (118th Congress)", "mouse_over": "NAMELSAD", "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "pbf", "layer_name": "Congressional Districts (118th Congress)", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "NA", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "0.1", "line_width": 3, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "blue", "line_color": "blue", "category": "United States", "sort_level": null, "description": "The 118th Congressional Districts dataset reflects boundaries from January 04, 2023 from the United States Census Bureau (USCB).

\r\nLast downloaded: 03/06/2024.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": "polygon congressional_districts_118", "mb_url": "dancogswell.bdudfkj9", "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Census Bureau, Geography Division; U.S. House of Representatives; and the Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) [distributor]", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": true, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 326, "fields": {"div_id": "naip", "name": "NAIP (Continental US)", "mouse_over": null, "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "tile", "layer_name": "naip", "layer_url": "https://naip.maptiles.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/NAIP/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}", "layer_file": "zyx", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": null, "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "#BB8FCE", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "United States", "sort_level": null, "description": "This tile layer features recent high-resolution National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery from the USDA Farm Services Agency. The NAIP imagery in this layer has been visually enhanced and published as a tile layer for optimal display performance.\r\n\r\nNAIP imagery collection occurs on an annual basis during the agricultural growing season in the continental United States. Approximately half of the US is collected each year and each state is typically collected every other year. The NAIP program aims to make the imagery available to governmental agencies and to the public within a year of collection.\r\n\r\nThis layer will be updated each year, as the latest imagery is received and processed. Currently, it is primarily composed of NAIP imagery from 2018, 2019, and 2020.\r\n\r\nSee: https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=d1cd1b03d7f246d5a29597f71820ea5d", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Esri, USDA FSA", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 341, "fields": {"div_id": "nced", "name": "National Conservation Easements", "mouse_over": "sitename", "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "nced", "layer_url": "NA", "layer_file": "https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/layers/nced.geojson", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "0.3", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "blue", "line_color": "blue", "category": "United States", "sort_level": null, "description": "Last downloaded 03/06/2024.

The National Conservation Easement Database (NCED) is the first national database of conservation easement information, compiling records from land trusts and public agencies throughout the United States. This public-private partnership brings together national conservation groups, local and regional land trusts, and local, state and federal agencies around a common objective. This effort helps agencies, land trusts, and other organizations plan more strategically, identify opportunities for collaboration, advance public accountability, and raise the profile of what’s happening on-the-ground in the name of conservation.", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "Old: https://storage.googleapis.com/alerts-storage/geojson/nced.geojson", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "Copyright © 2024 - National Conservation Easement Database | NCED", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 276, "fields": {"div_id": "nifc_wildfire_locations", "name": "NIFC Wildfire Locations", "mouse_over": "IncidentName", "img_source": "CIRCLE", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "NIFC Wildfire Locations (to date)", "layer_url": "https://services3.arcgis.com/T4QMspbfLg3qTGWY/arcgis/rest/services/WFIGS_Incident_Locations_YearToDate/FeatureServer/0/query?where=1%3D1&objectIds=&time=&geometry=-180,-90,180,90&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&resultType=none&distance=0.0&units=esriSRUnit_Meter&returnGeodetic=false&outFields=*&returnGeometry=true&returnCentroid=false&featureEncoding=esriDefault&multipatchOption=xyFootprint&maxAllowableOffset=&geometryPrecision=&outSR=&defaultSR=&datumTransformation=&applyVCSProjection=false&returnIdsOnly=false&returnUniqueIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&returnExtentOnly=false&returnQueryGeometry=false&returnDistinctValues=false&cacheHint=false&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&having=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&returnExceededLimitFeatures=true&quantizationParameters=&sqlFormat=none&f=pgeojson&token=", "layer_file": "NA", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "1.0", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "red", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "United States", "sort_level": null, "description": "Point locations for all reported wildland fires in the United States for current year.\r\n

\r\nThe Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Services (WFIGS) Group provides authoritative geospatial data products under the interagency Wildland Fire Data Program. Hosted in the National Interagency Fire Center ArcGIS Online Organization (The NIFC Org), WFIGS provides both internal and public facing data, accessible in a variety of formats.\r\n

\r\nThis service includes perimeters for wildland fire incidents that meet the following criteria:\r\n

\r\nAttribution of the source polygon is set to a Feature Access of Public, a Feature Status of Approved, and an Is Visible setting of Yes. \r\nPerimeters are not available for every incident. For a complete set of features that meet the same IRWIN criteria, see the 2023 Wildland Fire Locations to Date service.\r\n

\r\nNo \"fall-off\" rules are applied to this service. \r\n

\r\nCriteria were determined by an NWCG Geospatial Subcommittee task group. \r\n

\r\nData are refreshed every 5 minutes. Changes in the perimeter source may take up to 15 minutes to display.\r\nPerimeters are pulled from multiple sources with rules in place to ensure the most current or most authoritative shape is used.\r\n

", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": null, "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "https://services3.arcgis.com/T4QMspbfLg3qTGWY/arcgis/rest/services/CY_WildlandFire_Locations_ToDate/FeatureServer/0/query?where=1%3D1&objectIds=&time=&geometry=-180,-90,180,90&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&resultType=none&distance=0.0&units=esriSRUnit_Meter&returnGeodetic=false&outFields=*&returnGeometry=true&returnCentroid=false&featureEncoding=esriDefault&multipatchOption=xyFootprint&maxAllowableOffset=&geometryPrecision=&outSR=&defaultSR=&datumTransformation=&applyVCSProjection=false&returnIdsOnly=false&returnUniqueIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&returnExtentOnly=false&returnQueryGeometry=false&returnDistinctValues=false&cacheHint=false&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&having=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&returnExceededLimitFeatures=true&quantizationParameters=&sqlFormat=none&f=pgeojson&token=\r\n\r\nhttps://services3.arcgis.com/T4QMspbfLg3qTGWY/arcgis/rest/services/WFIGS_Incident_Locations_YearToDate/FeatureServer", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": null, "attribution": "National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC).", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": false, "run_on_init": true, "select_on_click": true, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}, {"model": "img.layer", "pk": 270, "fields": {"div_id": "firms-test-viirs", "name": "NIFC Wildfire Perimeters", "mouse_over": "poly_IncidentName", "img_source": "BLOCK", "layer_type": "deckgl", "layer_name": "FIRMS test footprint", "layer_url": "https://services3.arcgis.com/T4QMspbfLg3qTGWY/arcgis/rest/services/WFIGS_Interagency_Perimeters_YearToDate/FeatureServer/0/query?where=1%3D1&objectIds=&time=&geometry={west},{south},{east},{north}&geometryType=esriGeometryEnvelope&inSR=&spatialRel=esriSpatialRelIntersects&resultType=none&distance=0.0&units=esriSRUnit_Meter&returnGeodetic=false&outFields=*&returnGeometry=true&returnCentroid=false&featureEncoding=esriDefault&multipatchOption=xyFootprint&maxAllowableOffset=&geometryPrecision=&outSR=&defaultSR=&datumTransformation=&applyVCSProjection=false&returnIdsOnly=false&returnUniqueIdsOnly=false&returnCountOnly=false&returnExtentOnly=false&returnQueryGeometry=false&returnDistinctValues=false&cacheHint=false&orderByFields=&groupByFieldsForStatistics=&outStatistics=&having=&resultOffset=&resultRecordCount=&returnZ=false&returnM=false&returnExceededLimitFeatures=true&quantizationParameters=&sqlFormat=none&f=pgeojson&token=", "layer_file": "NA", "layer_marker": "NA", "sql": "", "sql_returns": "geojson", "show": false, "checked": false, "content": "", "status": "active", "columns": "", "marker_style": "", "opacity": "0.5", "line_width": 1, "api_key": null, "username": null, "switch_color": "yellow", "line_color": "#2693e6", "category": "United States", "sort_level": null, "description": "Perimeters for all reported wildland fires in the United States in current year. This is service is authoritative, public and hosted by National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC).\r\n

\r\nThe Wildland Fire Interagency Geospatial Services (WFIGS) Group provides authoritative geospatial data products under the interagency Wildland Fire Data Program. Hosted in the National Interagency Fire Center ArcGIS Online Organization (The NIFC Org), WFIGS provides both internal and public facing data, accessible in a variety of formats.\r\n

\r\nThis service includes perimeters for wildland fire incidents that meet the following criteria:\r\n

\r\nPerimeters are not available for every incident. For a complete set of features that meet the same IRWIN criteria, see the 2023 Wildland Fire Locations to Date service.\r\n

\r\nNo \"fall-off\" rules are applied to this service. \r\n

\r\nCriteria were determined by an NWCG Geospatial Subcommittee task group. \r\n

\r\nData are refreshed every 5 minutes. Changes in the perimeter source may take up to 15 minutes to display.\r\nPerimeters are pulled from multiple sources with rules in place to ensure the most current or most authoritative shape is used.\r\n

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\r\nCurrently, the following data quality issues are known, are not covered by the quality flags, and should be kept in mind when looking at the methane product and also at preliminary validation results. For more details, see the MPC VDAF website.\r\n

\r\nFiltering on qa_value < 0.5 does not remove all pixels considered bad. Some pixels with too low methane concentrations are still present:\r\n", "filter": "", "include_on_tab": true, "map_label": null, "loading_msg": "Filter date range should not exceed 1 week", "mb_source_layer": null, "mb_url": null, "skytruth_notes": "", "default_step": null, "big_data": false, "style_item": null, "fill_shapes": true, "key_image": "Column-averaged dry air mixing ratio of methane, as parts-per-billion, corrected for surface albedo::1750,#000000,1775,#0000ff,1800,#800080,1825,#00ffff,1850,#008000,1875,#ffff00,1900,#ff0000", "attribution": "Copernicus Sentinel data 2022", "file_extension": null, "prompts": "{\"prompts\":[{\"prompt\":\"dates\",\"type\":\"dates\",\"numdays\":7,\"replace\":[\"startdate\",\"enddate\"],\"operands\":[\">=\",\"<=\"],\"title\":\"Date Range\",\"default\":[7,\"today\"]}]}", "timeline": false, "include_refresh": true, "run_on_init": false, "select_on_click": false, "user_id": null, "zoom_to": 0, "min_zoom": 0}}]